Flame is The New Black


Posted by Unknown

3G discussed the government and service provider technology as a must in the adoption. Did you that the maximum speed of 3G mobile phone base station to mobile at the time only 128Kbps. If you use a walking speed 3G only 384Kbps, the speed is the maximum will only be obtained if the 3G mobile phone is not the way it used at home, namely, 2Mbps.

As described in the Fund by Blair from Cisco in a presentation titled "4G: The End of the Intelligent Network", all the consequences of network-based IP, technology, which we actually use technology is the Internet Phone (VoIP) technology, especially using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP ).

We all can take the source code and mengimlementasikan directly without the need to pay anything. Examples from the real implementation of the central 4G phone is VoIP in the People's http://www.voiprakyat.or.id motori by Anton Raharja from ICT Center Jakarta. For those of you who are interested to develop its own telephone exchange and make it to VoIP peering People can take the source code for its softswitch in http://www.asterisk.org.

Anton et al had not stopped to make a telephone exchange, and they have even more far bypassing the Indonesian government and ISPs in Indonesia with server enum build their own engine on voiprakyat.or.id. Enum is a service on the Internet that can do the mapping of phone numbers to the telcom-based SIP VoIP account. KOMINFO want a new start "PROJECT" to enum, when there are children who have been successful with both operating the enum.

How the handset to the pre-4G. For those who are still in standard tests, it can use the computer / laptop in complete SoftPhone such as WiFi and x-lite and sjphone. For those who have a PDA with the Pocket PC operating system that has WiFi capability, you can take the SJPhone software for the PPC and use your PDA as a pre-4G phones.

For those who want more serious, there are several options pre-4G phones such as Nokia E60, E61, E70 and the complete operating system Symbian OS 9.1, which supports voice communications such as Push-To-Talk and SIP. Other classes may be interesting is the Linksys WIP330 Wireless-G IP phone that is equipped for radio 802.11b / g. For those who seek to find solutions gimcrack Hop-on $ 39 WiFi Phone shapes such as nokia long, 3.5 hours of talk time or 30 hours standby. In addition, it seems to many WiFi phones are starting to enter Taiwan under the price of Rp. 500,000, --

Know Error In Computer  

Posted by Unknown

Before criticize about how the computer from working, we know there are good things associated with errors were found in the computer system, the error is found in various cases, better programming, and in other areas in which the process is done by using a computer.

What type of error that may be found in a process? The following types of errors that are in a process:

  • Syntax error,
  • Logical error,
  • Run-Time error
The meaning of each error we see more below.

Syntax Error

The error is caused because the writing or grammar is not correct. This error makes the parties are asked to do something to be confused, so it can not do it. Examples are,

  • Rice Budi eat these books, do not follow the methods of writing the grammar is correct, the truth is Budi eat rice, so we?
  • Address the site is htp: / / www.hotmail.com/ there is an error in writing words that should htp is http://www.hotmail.com/
  • Email is jack.febrian.com, this is not true because that is mentioned address. Truth that jack@febrian.com is, and so on.
When this type of error happens, the process will not be dismissed, or not to continue, until the write command confirms the command.

Logical Error

Is the type of errors in logic. If found kesalah with this type, the process still continues, but is not running properly. For example,

  • Go to page 6, are on page 9. how the information you find? Of course, different with the operation you want.
  • At the time of entering a data in a registration form online, Jack - say so - to fill in data on the sex accidentally and less careful with the answers women, whereas it should be filled with men. What happened? Storage process to be conducted menampikan without error, but the result? Each are welcome speech, the computer always greet, "Welcome to list Jack," ihiks ... : (
  • Someone will make banking transactions online via the Internet through facilities provided by the BCA. Then he was to address a given bank, by typing http://www.kilkbca.com/ what happens? This is the opportunity dihebohkan some time ago in Indonesia, who was greeted by the site was false BCA, with a view to the same site provided by the BCA and the original site. Time to fill in his password, the owner of the site is fraudulent it can record the password was, alone know what consequences that may occur. Nonetheless, the address provided by the BCA is in Acyl http://www.klikbca.com/
You want to connect the mouse to the computer through a USB cable, but you colokan cable to the USB cable is connected to the printer cable is connected.
Errors in the logic of this will lead to the results of a process not in accordance with the expected general, this process does not stop because of this logic error. So, we should be careful with this error in Logic. The system will provide information in accordance with which you provide. Its accuracy is required here.

Run-time Error

This type of error due to the time a command executed, the system itself is not ready to receive this command, can only request is that you do not currently available, or because of other technical reasons. For example:

You want to listen to the radio, not connect electrical, so it must be electrical, can enjoy a new radio voice.
  • Want to see news on news sites, the address is correct diketikkan, also a computer connected to the Internet, other sites visited were no problems, but the news, my site can be accessed I-Access. In fact, the server itself, news sites that are down (the term used if the server is not active or dead)
  • When the roads are in the Internet, you are interested in a picture or information, and you want to save it to disk, but to save time, my information has always failed. Floppy disk is entered correctly. In fact, the cause is a damaged disk is used.
Error type of run-time error resulted in this process is terminated immediately, the system generally notify the condition of knowing if this problem is found. Selengkapnya...

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)  

Posted by Unknown

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) introduced the first time in 1969 by Richard E. Morley is the founder of Modicon Corporation. According to the National Electrical Manufacturing Assosiation (NEMA) PLC is defined sebagasi a digital electronic device with a memory that can be programmed to store instructions that run specific functions such as logic,

Sequence, timing, counting, arithmetic and to control a machine or process industry industry in accordance with desired. PLC is able to do a process of continuously variable inputs and appropriate decision according to the desire to provide programming so that the value of output remains controlled.

PLC is a "special computer" for application in the industry, to monitor the process, and to replace the hard wiring and control has its own programming language. PLC but will not be the same as the personal computer PLC is designed for installation and maintenance by engineers and experts in the electricity industry that should not have the skills electronics and high flexibility control logic based on execute the instructions. Therefore, the PLC-day growing both in terms of the number of input and output, the amount of available memory, speed, communication between the PLC and programming techniques or methods. Almost all production processes in the industry can diotomasi using PLC. Speed and accuracy of operation can be improved far better to use this control system. Excellence from the PLC is the ability to change and falsify the operation at the same time with communication and information-collecting vital information.

Operations on the PLC consists of four important part:

1. predictive value of observation

2. run the program

3. value of output

4. control

From the excess above the PLC also has shortcomings, among others, which often highlighted is that for a PLC memrogram needed someone who is very professional and understand what is needed by the factory and understand about the safety or security that must be met. Meanwhile, people who trained as it is quite rare and in pemrogramannya must be done directly to the place where the server is connected to the PLC, while it is not uncommon location of the main computers in places dangerous. It is therefore needed a device that is able to observe, to edit and run programs from the distance.

Before We Complain  

Posted by Unknown

1. Today before you say words that are not good, think about someone who does not
can speak at all.

2. Before you complain about the taste of makananmu, think about someone who does not
have anything to eat.

3. Before you complain do not have anything, think about someone who ask in

4. Before you complain that you are bad, think about someone who is on
The worst level in history.

5. Before you complain about your wife or husband, think about someone who apply
He is given to friends to life.

6. Today before you complain about life, think about someone who died too

7. Before you complain about your children, think about someone who would love to
have children themselves but barren.

8. Before you complain about the house that pembantumu not dirty because the
tasks, think about the people who live November.

9. Before you complain about the long have you drive, think about someone who
travel the same distance to run.

10. And while you tired and complained about work, think about unemployment,
people with disabilities who hope they have a job you like.

11. Before you show the finger and blame other people, remember that no one is not guilty.

How to Motivate Your Self  

Posted by Unknown

Friends ... if you often feel less motivation? may be because the report or the many other problems. disiniada seven tips that just my motivation to get our day-to-day. Learn? This was ....

1. Create desire
So ... first, munculkan I wish you the self. For example, you want to make a report, there must be a determination that round (he's not the triangle ..).So that a determination appear to imagine that the results will be obtained if you do these reports. For example, all people will amazed ..

2. Create pain
Once there is a determination, try to imagine if you do not make the report .. what will happen? imagine the bad-bad. As will be the value of E (god forbid a newborn baby?).

3. Discuss your plans
This was ... you plan on talking about other people. Who know they want to help you. or at least with our people on the other side, we can ask for support and motivation or enthusiasm.

4. Have a real interest
Oops .. not until there is no interest at all. Do not do something with forcing elements. The result will not be in accordance with our desire.

5. Have energy
Create your spirit! Do not until the conditions are less fit you into the barriers in themselves.

6. Create a mental balance
So .. This related to the spiritual. Eliminate poorly thought-mind. Eliminate negative nature thingking. You can quickly parents: D]

7. Take a small step
Finally ... .. start with small steps first. For example, the case for making the report .. should not be forced to take on the discussion. the stress before you can solve them. Start with the goals and basic theory.

Good luck

Development of Computer System  

Posted by Unknown

Why should this be learned? :)

  • The goal is to make us better understand the origin from which the technology that we use sekaran
  • Some of the technology that is considered ancient, but still used,
  • By knowing the origin and development of the technology will be more easier to predict what will happen to the future
  • Interesting to watch!


Since yore, the data processing has been done by humans. Humans also find tools for mechanical and electronics to help people in the calculation and data processing that can get results more quickly. Computers that we had when this is a long evolution from the discovery of human sejah-old form of mechanical or electronic means.

Currently, the computer and its tools have been included in every aspect of life and work. Computers are now have the ability more than usual math calculations. Among them is a computer system in kassa supermarkets that are able to purchase goods code, telephone exchange, which handles millions of calls and communications, computer networks and internet mennghubungkan various places in the world.

However the data-processing equipment from the primeval since until this moment we can grade into 4 large groups.

  1. Equipment manual: data processing equipment that is a very simple, and the most important factors in the use of tools is to use the power of human hands
  2. Mechanical Equipment: the equipment that is shaped with a mechanical hand moved manually
  3. Mechanical Electronic equipment: equipment mechanics, which is driven by a motor automatically by electronic
  4. Electronic equipment: Equipment that works in electronic full.

Computer Generation

Early-generation computer starts since the computer that created by humans begin using the concept of Stored program in 1946.

Although previous work has various types of computers, such as analog computer in 1931 by Dr. Vannevar Bush at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology). Then, the first electronic digital computer by John V Atanasoff in the finishing of the 1942, the computer is a computer-birth of the first generation of computers.

Generation Mainframe

1946 is the beginning of the first generation of computers, generally begins with the ENIAC (electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). Computers in this period have thousands of empty tube to a computer, the physical size is large enough, and need a place large enough. Generally, this computer is used to calculate the accuracy of the shot. Want to know how this computer program? And that is by connecting cables and cut and use the contacts.

Computers in this generation is still slow process, and consume electricity that is high enough, and still save a little power. ENIAC own at the time it requires a place where more than 500 m2, and use the empty tube. ENIAC is not the only computer in this generation. Besides there are still ENIAC computer that appear, among which are:

  • EDSAC (Electronic Delayed Storage Automatic Computer), a computer with Stored program first. The computer was made by the mathematician John von Neumann and teamnya. This made the computer since mid-1940 and operated in 1949 at Cambridge University, England.
  • ACE (Automatic Calculating Engine) created by Alan Turing M since 1945, this computer has been implementing the use of the card plong as the media for input and output it.
  • SEC (Simple Electric Computer) is a computer that uses magnetic drum as a storage memory. This computer is made in 1950 in Electric Computer Laboratory of Birkbeck College, University of London.
  • LEO (Lyon Electronic Office), 1951, is the first commercial computer in the UK.
  • EDVAC (Electronic discrete Variable Automatic Computer), 1952, is a computer program Stored first made by the United States.
Generation Minicomputer

Computers in this generation is a refinement of the previous generation of computers. The language used is no longer a pure machine language, but language is to use a high level, making easier in the program. The components used have already started using the transistor so that they can make the computer the size is much smaller compared with the first generation of computers. This generation is a generation emerging minicomputer, and prices are much cheaper when compared with the previous generation. Computers in a generation that is:

  • PDP-1, manufactured by DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) that are introduced in 1959,
  • PDP-5, is the first mini-computer,
  • IBM 7070
Microcomputer generation

This generation marked by the use of IC (Integrated Circuit) that is able to accommodate some electronic components at once in a very small size, of course, with this size computers also make direct far smaller than the previous generation computer, as well as the use of electricity decreased dramatically. IC own first made by Jack Kilby in the year 1958. Computers that appear in this generation are the IBM S/360, which is a third generation computer first. Besides, UNIVAC 1108, NCR Century series, dlsb.

Innovation is important in this generation is software compatibility, among several machines.

Generation Internet and the Web

This generation starts since 1970, the usage of Large Scale Integration (LSI). At this time bermunculanlah computer macro (macro computer). Intel issued a first processor in the world, known as the Intel 4004 in 1971. In the year 1977, Apple issued a personal computernya the first. This generation has allowed a computer without the software, and software must be programmed using assembly language.

The development occurred not only in the engine computer itself, but also meaningful to the computer network. Local Area Network began to be implemented in many places, and the United States Department of defense also began using the Internet Protocol.

Generation Pervasive Computing

This generation is a generation that started out the use of the computer desktop. Various technologies were found to implement a computer with other technology, in a very small size, and ability are smart enough. Where in this generation, someone no longer use the computer while sitting dikursi and to the computer on the thoughts, because the computer has joined with various devices such as palmtop, mobile phones, etc.. This technology also has been able to connect one device to another device using the internet point.

Changing Economics generation of Computing

In this generation of economic changes occur field of computing. The first komptuter prices so high, because of size, ability dlsb, the current price of the processor, memory and other devices are very cheap. Plus diimplementasikannya biotechnology or bioinformatik. Where in a period of the previous technology is not considered possible, at this time is not something that can be possible. Informatikawan including the desire to create a computer that more people can afford to develop themselves in accordance with the technological capabilities at the time.

A Price of Success  

Posted by Unknown

A price of success
In a seminar, a famous motivator to get started with a piece of money Rp.100.000, -. He was raising money to high-level, while submitting a question to more than 2,000 participants of the seminar. "Who wants this money?"

Surefire most of the participants shake hands.

Motivator is ever, "Good! I will give this money to one of you. But before that I will do something. "

Motivator the rolls of paper money is. Once again, the less he asked, "Who still wants this money?" No different from the previous, almost all participants of the seminar is shake hands, the money they still want it.

See the response of participants has not changed, the motivator and trample down the money with the right leg and foot with the left. After the money was dirty and disheveled, he again asked, "Is there still a mengingkan this money?"

Still the same as the previous, almost all participants shake hands. Then he said, "My best friend, and from modeling I was just want to show that siapun want to have the money. However, the money will not reduce the value of Rp. 100,000 - "


The story explains a truth that life is indeed difficult. Every day we face challenges of small, medium, heavy, up to very heavy. But basically, the challenge is not to reduce the value of life we as human beings. In the challenges of life is necessary to increase the value of ourselves.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of Comfort and Convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. - The value of a human being can not be measured while he is in the comfortable zone, but how he confronted the challenges and kontrovesi, "said Martin Luther King Jr..

But very many of us complained that only a life full of challenges. They must forget the challenge of learning something, the pain and struggle of life. Because if everything is perfect in this world, then we will not be able to learn new things or get a larger spirit to do better and improve value ourselves as human beings.

Computer System  

Posted by Unknown

Computers that we know when this is the result of the development of information technology, electronics and computer so that the origin of the large size and eating places, is now shaped by the ability of small. The progress of electronics components industry IC (integrated circuit) has encouraged the creation of various IC chip device that supports a variety of different needs and the creation of electronic products. The progress of electronics technology is not separate from the progress in knowledge and processing of semiconductor materials, especially silicon.

In the world of entertainment, has long been the world's children know the game means the game is controlled by a computer system. In the field of industry, the computer has been used to control the machinery of production with high accuracy (for example, CNC, a multipurpose machine in the metal industry) so that we can find a variety of metal products industry is varied and difficult to imagine when we done manually. Many machines in the garment industry are equipped with computer control, for example, a company can produce bodir hat hat embroidered with the image quality is uniform in the number of lots in a short time.

In trading companies such as department stores have used machines, cash registers (cash machine), with the engine control computer so that it can be controlled by the manager only works only from the room.

In the field of education, found other than as a tool of study, many of laboratory equipment equipped with computer equipment so that it can work more carefully and obstacles can be overcome obstacles human sense. From the field of education and research that make the equipment that produced a variety of useful research results that have not already used in many day-to-day life of many communities. In biotechnology, equipment culture has been equipped with a computer control to organize the work on the accuracy sterile space. Australian companies have developed robots for the purposes of this biotechnology.

Many recent vehicles have been equipped with computer systems that use the fuel can be arranged to a very efficient for a trip that far. Bus-bus passengers have been equipped with computer control systems and sophisticated sensors that bus ride is noticeably more secure.

Application of computer control that tercanggih found in the aircraft and space aircraft. To be able to overcome many obstacles and difficult nature done by a manual pilot, an aircraft can be automatically so that can fly safely at the destination.

Meaning Computer System

Together with our knowledge, the technology has developed so quickly, during the various changes occur certain the significantly on the views of the technology, however, are the essence of technology is still in the framework of reference. For example, in the days before 2000, the public still regard the computer is a machine that is usually located on a table where the table is a keyboard, monitor and CPU. Or, better known as the Personal Computer. Besides, people still distinguish between the computer and mobile phones, fax machines, video player, sound system, photocopy machines dlsb. However, here the device is more difficult to be distinguished. Let discussions our menajam more about the computer system is, of course it's good we first discuss what is meant by the system and the computer itself.


Actually what it is that system? In a simple system can be translated: A unit of interrelated elements that form a group in conducting a basic goals that are targeted.

As mentioned above, the system does not only involve a function or procedure only, but a unity of all matters involved to work closely with the desired good.


So, now what with the computer, whether a computer is? if only the computer that is frequently we see on the table for the office? Yes! That is one example.

Computer language derived from the Latin word from Computare, which means that the count (in the English language to compute). In general defenisi computer is an electronic device that can receive and process the data into information, run programs stored in memory, and can work automatically with certain rules.

We certainly agree, the computer does not understand human language. Then how can the human command understood by the computer? Meanwhile, the engine computer based on the work flow of electricity that is it.

This made a certain rule on how the human desire can be translated so that the machine can understand. The electronic machines can understand this command with some basic command of his own (instruction set).

Command to create a human through a computer program, which contains the instruction program that was set. So automatically through a program that has prepared the computer can understand what the are.

With the above, it is apparent that the computer can exist only as a calculator, notebooks, personal computers, and others. Computers are the results from the progress of electronics and informatics technology, which functions as a tool for writing, drawing, picture or photo editing, animation to create, operate, scientific analysis program, and to control the simulation equipment.

The first form of a computer big enough to run a program, now form a small program with the ability to operate diverse. Electronic equipment (hardware) and programs (software / software) has made a computer into useful objects. A computer that only have electronic equipment or software alone will not work. With no two computers can then work to become a useful tool.

Computers can also be developed to control the engine production equipment or household equipment. By adding a series of electronic buatannya, the usual computer can be used to control industrial equipment and household appliances. The tendency of the use of computers to control such as this with the support of IC chip technology has enabled people to make robots that are useful as a small robot vehicle used in space missions.

Computer System

Computer systems are elements related to activities by using a computer. Elements of the computer system consists of human beings (brainware), software (software), instruction set (instruction set) and hardware (hardware).

Thus, the component elements that are involved in a computer system. Of course, the hardware does not mean anything if no one from the other two (software and brainware). Simplest example, who will turn on the computer if there are no humans. Or will it run if the computer is no softwarenya.

The existence of the development of electronics and information technology has provided enhancements on a personal computer, such as:

  • Mouse, a mechanical device to perform a job that is usually done by men. For example, do pengecatan car. This robot is equipped by machine or computer device both simple and complex, which is able to control the movement.
  • Modem, the tools to change the form of digital data to voice data or vice versa so that data from a computer can be communicated to other computers through regular phone lines, radio communication earth station or
  • Sound card, part of the computer components that form the card function to generate the sound.
  • Video card, a tool to display information to the monitor screen.
  • Card recipients television, equipment for the catcher television signals.
  • Card recipients radio equipment to receive radio waves.
  • Ethernet card, a tool for connecting with the computer network.
  • Printer, printing equipment (desk jet, buble jet, laser jet, plotters)
  • Tool interpreter image printing (Digitizer and scanners).
Computer and Information System

Computer systems and informatics have a very close relationship, and can not be separated with one another. As explained previously, information itself is a discipline which specifically concerns the processing of data with the symbolic use of automation machines or computers. Of course, the computer is here is the computer system itself. Selengkapnya...

How to Eliminate Stress  

Posted by Unknown

How to Eliminate Stress
If you include people who experience stress, you can try to do some things to overcome, such as;
1. Positive activities that you like. You can exercise, fishing, gardening, holiday, or what hobbies you.

2. Many laughed. Start with the self watching a movie comedy or farce that will teach you to smile again and finally happy laugh.
3. Trying to do new things. Start with something simple such as a menu to try some food. Feeling something "not normal" will make your life more varied and enjoyable.
4. Maintaining the animals. According to the research will preserve the animals reduce stress and make you feel relax.
5. "Curhat" to a close friend. Many of those who have proved that by sharing the burden of the story will feel more light despite it not necessarily provide a solution for your problem

They reasons Using Google  

Posted by Unknown

Google is a search engine that includes the most used on the internet, various reasons they chose Google, let's see together.

As the focus SEARCH

Google, such a focus on the types of information search services as commodities unggulannya addition to other efforts that enrich the main service.

Google's popularity

Google as a search engine, has a name that is quite popular in the eyes of internet users in the world, so this machine is off by the user of the Internet as a major search engine to perform various types of searches.

Since its launch in 2001, a search engine that this is indeed the most widely used netter. In the matter of access and popularity, Google still meduduki ranked first in the web.

Speeds and Efficiently

Speed and convenience offered by Google only with the three-step process (call, type, and see the results) - is one of the advantages of Google. Google also very well in the search techniques and the problems of a hobby activities. Similarly in the image search, news and current.

Because Google provides search results most relevant, first and fast! A large number of information in the Internet search service that requires perfect for managing information that is accessible and useful. Equipment without a search that is efficient, searching for a particular website is very difficult, not to say impossible.

Organized on the Internet

Google is designed to create chaos on the regularity of information. This is a search service should be; not an edited directory, or a limited or a list of results that are obtained from the search that most, but a method of organizing the Internet based on the structure itself.

Finding More than 1 million URLs

Google's index, which consists of more than 1 million URLs, is the first of the kind and represents a comprehensive collection of web pages that are useful on the Internet.

Google is connected to more than 8 billion web pages. So many pages that terindeks, so we are like a library with a very complete.

Results Words Search

Unlike other search engines, Google search produces only a match with all the words you enter, either in the text of a page or in links to the page. No more frustration with results that are not related to the words that you find.

Proximity search words

Google search results not only contain all the words that you search, but Google also analyzes the proximity to the words in a page. Unlike other search engines, Google prioritizes results according to the proximity of the words searched. Google's approach is producing results words that you find, so you need a little time to manage the results of which are not relevant.

Preview Results for Each

Avoiding the web page summary that never change, Google absorbing text that match your query in the search results. This feature saves time and frustration in loading the web page that is not relevant.

Feeling Lucky you!

Google looks quite careful in the produce the most accurate results for searches such as the common name companies. They are very confident, in fact, they install the "I'm Feeling Lucky ™", which takes you directly to the website from the search results first. Google features "I'm Feeling Lucky ™" is designed to bring information to you quickly.

Web Page Cache

Excess other, is a pioneer of the Google search engine that has a cache. With this cache, the search can save time searching, because the search results will be displayed on the page has been stored previously.

Google stores many web pages in cachenya taken for you to back-up as perhaps the server page is a temporary failure. Viewing materials dicache is often faster than normal following the link, although the information that you can not up-to-date.

The use of facilities and Competition

For those of you who have been accustomed to use a search engine, generally use almost the same with the other one, as well as the facilities available, be it a feature not available in one place, but available in other places, let alone see the phenomenon of service providers is another search engine strict compete with one other.

See the development of late, their competition is good news for us, because their services will be more complete from day to day.

5 Terms absolutely necessary Starting Online Dating  

Posted by Unknown

Internet media is easy to become acquainted with new people. The great number of social networking sites and site specific search online dating friend also berhamparan.

Indeed, the few meetings that came from contacts on the internet in the Customize expire beautiful. But, I also get a little disappointment and even bad luck.

There are 5 absolutely necessary that issued the Internet Dating Examiner, as quoted detikINET, Thursday (28/8/2008). Intend to seek a date via the internet, please note well.

1. To start, avoidance using the original name and identity.

Provide personal information to people that you know not enough danger on the Internet. In the beginning may feel 'hoax' talk your opponent. But remember, many online predators evil and join in the search group of friends for dating the intention of the less well.

2. Use a public place that so many people to meet the first place.

Never 'take' in a private place such as home or office, for example. In the Internet, you may believe you both the recipient and can be trusted. But, when in reality these people are not as you expect, you should not be pursued giddy-up to pursue disrupting tranquility of your life.

3. Must be wary of false profile with a visible 'too good to be true'.

When you pair your online characteristics that give the exact figure you desire, it has become a characteristic you should be wary. Nowadays, people can find what you desire with easy when you have interfaces characteristic figure you desire on the internet.

4. Reproduction has a 'bad' online if you have a sweetheart in the real world.

Bermesraan online friends have indeed often become violent and experience that excite. Although only a relationship online, the relationship between the 'original' with your sweetie can fail when discovered. Consequently, vague lovers, friends online dating is also not clear rimbanya.

5. Never fraudulent site to register online dating when you are balanced, engaged and a serious relationship with someone.

Family life is often met with problems. However, starting a glance online dating sites to excite emotion is not a good way. Complete first and end the relationship with the good and wise, a new start work in the online dating site, if you feel lonely.

Marton Sun Found  

Posted by Unknown

Astronom Peru, Jorge Melendez of the Australian National University, and Ivan Ramirez of the University of Texas at Austin, U.S., have found "Marton sun" is the best at this time. The discovery was achieved using the 2.7-meter telescope Harlan J. Smith at the McDonald Observatory. The discovery of their chemical composition shows that the Sun is not seunik as computed earlier.

These stars, hip 56,948, more similar to the Sun than any ever known. Located as far as 200 years light in the constellation Draco, the star around semiliar years younger than the Sun.

Previously, only three Marton has been known that the sun, each was 18 Scorpii, HD 98618, and HIP 100963. However, although in some cases have a similarity with the sun, the stars have a fundamental difference in the content lithiumnya that far exceed the content of Lithium in the Sun. Lithium content of the very few in the sun was making the astronom that the sun is a star that is very unique among other stars.

Marton latest discovery of the sun to break this assumption is. HIP 56948 are known to have the same Lithium content with the low sun. This study also reveal other Freuchie from the Sun, hip 73,815, which also contains the same Lithium low.

Questions about the uniqueness of the sun associated with what is known as the "principle antropik" (anthropic principles), which questioned about whether there was something special on the Sun that allows organisms living in our solar system. This discovery does not fully answer these questions, but it only shows that uniqueness is clearly not located on the composition of chemistry.

Melendez and Ramirez findings support this principle of reverse antropik, who called the views "Copernician", that is possible existence of living organisms can be found anywhere in the universe. Both suggest that stars like HIP 56948 can be a good target for the program researcher at the SETI (Search for Extra-Terresterial Intelligence).

Star has learned by Planet Search Program at the McDonald Observatory, led by astronom Bill Cochran of the University of Texas. Cochran and their team found that, like our Sun, hip 56,948 from the planet does not have a class "hot Jupiter" - the planet bermassa large, have a short orbital period, and explore its mother star in the very near distance. This kind of planet is known to the public. Up to now, have been found more than 200 stars that have one or more hot Jupiter-class planet that mengorbit.

Search "Marton sun" This is important, because the sun astronom use as a benchmark in various studies. However, they can not learn about the Sun in the same way as they learn that a star far, because the distance is unduly close, and penampakannya that is too bright.

Marton sun, which is found in McDonald will be very useful in various fields in astrofisika. Among them, these stars can help astronom learn that the chemical composition of stars, as well validate the theoretical model of the interior and evolution of stars.