Flame is The New Black

Development of Computer System  

Posted by Unknown

Why should this be learned? :)

  • The goal is to make us better understand the origin from which the technology that we use sekaran
  • Some of the technology that is considered ancient, but still used,
  • By knowing the origin and development of the technology will be more easier to predict what will happen to the future
  • Interesting to watch!


Since yore, the data processing has been done by humans. Humans also find tools for mechanical and electronics to help people in the calculation and data processing that can get results more quickly. Computers that we had when this is a long evolution from the discovery of human sejah-old form of mechanical or electronic means.

Currently, the computer and its tools have been included in every aspect of life and work. Computers are now have the ability more than usual math calculations. Among them is a computer system in kassa supermarkets that are able to purchase goods code, telephone exchange, which handles millions of calls and communications, computer networks and internet mennghubungkan various places in the world.

However the data-processing equipment from the primeval since until this moment we can grade into 4 large groups.

  1. Equipment manual: data processing equipment that is a very simple, and the most important factors in the use of tools is to use the power of human hands
  2. Mechanical Equipment: the equipment that is shaped with a mechanical hand moved manually
  3. Mechanical Electronic equipment: equipment mechanics, which is driven by a motor automatically by electronic
  4. Electronic equipment: Equipment that works in electronic full.

Computer Generation

Early-generation computer starts since the computer that created by humans begin using the concept of Stored program in 1946.

Although previous work has various types of computers, such as analog computer in 1931 by Dr. Vannevar Bush at the Massachussetts Institute of Technology). Then, the first electronic digital computer by John V Atanasoff in the finishing of the 1942, the computer is a computer-birth of the first generation of computers.

Generation Mainframe

1946 is the beginning of the first generation of computers, generally begins with the ENIAC (electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator). Computers in this period have thousands of empty tube to a computer, the physical size is large enough, and need a place large enough. Generally, this computer is used to calculate the accuracy of the shot. Want to know how this computer program? And that is by connecting cables and cut and use the contacts.

Computers in this generation is still slow process, and consume electricity that is high enough, and still save a little power. ENIAC own at the time it requires a place where more than 500 m2, and use the empty tube. ENIAC is not the only computer in this generation. Besides there are still ENIAC computer that appear, among which are:

  • EDSAC (Electronic Delayed Storage Automatic Computer), a computer with Stored program first. The computer was made by the mathematician John von Neumann and teamnya. This made the computer since mid-1940 and operated in 1949 at Cambridge University, England.
  • ACE (Automatic Calculating Engine) created by Alan Turing M since 1945, this computer has been implementing the use of the card plong as the media for input and output it.
  • SEC (Simple Electric Computer) is a computer that uses magnetic drum as a storage memory. This computer is made in 1950 in Electric Computer Laboratory of Birkbeck College, University of London.
  • LEO (Lyon Electronic Office), 1951, is the first commercial computer in the UK.
  • EDVAC (Electronic discrete Variable Automatic Computer), 1952, is a computer program Stored first made by the United States.
Generation Minicomputer

Computers in this generation is a refinement of the previous generation of computers. The language used is no longer a pure machine language, but language is to use a high level, making easier in the program. The components used have already started using the transistor so that they can make the computer the size is much smaller compared with the first generation of computers. This generation is a generation emerging minicomputer, and prices are much cheaper when compared with the previous generation. Computers in a generation that is:

  • PDP-1, manufactured by DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) that are introduced in 1959,
  • PDP-5, is the first mini-computer,
  • IBM 7070
Microcomputer generation

This generation marked by the use of IC (Integrated Circuit) that is able to accommodate some electronic components at once in a very small size, of course, with this size computers also make direct far smaller than the previous generation computer, as well as the use of electricity decreased dramatically. IC own first made by Jack Kilby in the year 1958. Computers that appear in this generation are the IBM S/360, which is a third generation computer first. Besides, UNIVAC 1108, NCR Century series, dlsb.

Innovation is important in this generation is software compatibility, among several machines.

Generation Internet and the Web

This generation starts since 1970, the usage of Large Scale Integration (LSI). At this time bermunculanlah computer macro (macro computer). Intel issued a first processor in the world, known as the Intel 4004 in 1971. In the year 1977, Apple issued a personal computernya the first. This generation has allowed a computer without the software, and software must be programmed using assembly language.

The development occurred not only in the engine computer itself, but also meaningful to the computer network. Local Area Network began to be implemented in many places, and the United States Department of defense also began using the Internet Protocol.

Generation Pervasive Computing

This generation is a generation that started out the use of the computer desktop. Various technologies were found to implement a computer with other technology, in a very small size, and ability are smart enough. Where in this generation, someone no longer use the computer while sitting dikursi and to the computer on the thoughts, because the computer has joined with various devices such as palmtop, mobile phones, etc.. This technology also has been able to connect one device to another device using the internet point.

Changing Economics generation of Computing

In this generation of economic changes occur field of computing. The first komptuter prices so high, because of size, ability dlsb, the current price of the processor, memory and other devices are very cheap. Plus diimplementasikannya biotechnology or bioinformatik. Where in a period of the previous technology is not considered possible, at this time is not something that can be possible. Informatikawan including the desire to create a computer that more people can afford to develop themselves in accordance with the technological capabilities at the time.